Who's Taking Care of The Children in The US and in My Hometown? (Compare & Contrast Paragraph)

Taking care of the children is an obligation for every parent in the world. Sometimes, the way parents take care their children are different in some country to another, for example in the United States and in my hometown. I can tell you that there are plenty of similarities as well as some very big differences between the way parents taking care of the children in the US and in my hometown.
Some women in the US and in my hometown have some similarities. The most important point is that they are busy and they have limited time to stay at home. Some women in the US are working outside the home as well as the women in my hometown. They work as teachers, nurses, or in banking just as the women in my hometown. Many of the women in the US who are wealthy enough have a nanny to take care of their children when they work. Compared to women in the US, some women in my hometown also have a nanny. The nanny will come early in the morning and she have to take care of the children, such as helping the children to take a bath, giving the children meal, etc then she may go home in the evening.
However, the way parents in the US are taking care of the children is different from parents in my hometown. In the US, some parents put their children in day care facilities or in informal day-care centers in private home. They will let their children stay there from the morning until afternoon at around 2 p.m. It is because in the US nowadays, most often, the family is just the immediate family. There are only father, mother, and children, so when the parents go to work, the children will stay in day-care facilities. In contrast, mostly, parents in my hometown entrust their children to their relative. It is because some marriage couples in my hometown still live with their extended families. Before they go to work in the morning, they will let their children stay with their relatives, such as their uncles, aunts, or their grandparents. Then, in the afternoon/evening, the parents will take their children back.

Although there are differences in the way of taking care the children between the US and my hometown, but the content is same. It is about the affection from parents to their children. The affection from parents cannot be replaced by anyone else because children need them so that they can grow well and live happily. 

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